All learning tracks have the voice on one channel and piano on the other, to help you find your notes.
Wester Caputh
Note: The tracks have just the A section once, then the (first) B section once. The actual structure is bigger, as discussed...
Norwegian Sailors' Chorus
Note: There is only one repeat of the first section in this - whereas we'll do it twice.
Parting Glass
Note 1: This only contains first two verses.
Note 2: All parts other than the tune don't come in for a while. Hang in there when listening to other parts.
Nobody's Fault But Mine
Note: this isn't the full song, but is all of the music. The difference is that there's one section in here that begins "I've got a book that I can read"; in the full version we'll sing, we'll have several more repetitions of that section, with different words.
Fire Marengo
Shina Vorgil
No Surprises
Gringo Like Me
Dance Me to the End of Love
Get Away From the Wall
Sweetest Kick
Not exactly the same song structure as we'll sing - we'll have a reprisal of some of the verses at the end, along with some oohs - but enough to learn the parts well.
Note that the 'tops' track here contains both top splits - these are clarified either in the score, or in the rehearsal by Philip.
Also, the Bass part doesn't contain all the splits - again score + Philip can clarify.
Note that this doesn't contain the starting and ending call parts - we'll just do that by ear.
Worth checking the 'all piano' part to give you a really clear view of what this one sounds like musically.