About Man Choir

What is it? 

Started in 2013, MAN CHOIR is open to all men. 'Open to all men' means no auditions, no tests, nothing like that - just turn up and start enjoying yourself.

You don't to be able to read music, because everything is 'taught by ear'. That means that I sing small parts, you (and those around you) listen, and then sing it back - and that's how you learn. You'd be amazed what brilliant, interesting songs with 3, 4 or more harmony parts you can learn that way!

You don't even need any singing experience. Indeed, one of the main reasons MAN CHOIR exists is to give all blokes an opportunity to enjoy singing great songs with a fine band of man. (Note: fine band of men subject to availability).

Who runs it?

Philip Read, an experienced singer, workshop and community choir leader. Philip founded MAN CHOIR in 2013 and is still running it today.

Where, when and how much is it? 

You can read all about that here

You haven't answered my question. 

Terribly sorry. Why don't you just email me, or give me a call? I'd love to hear from you. My details are all over here.

I think I knew I would kinda like it – but .....I LOVE it! You are a fab leader, have some great arrangements and make it easy to understand.
— A happy punter